Tuesday, December 10, 2013

October 2013 Labs and Phone Consultation with Dr. Cervantes


One thing about my labs, they are always looking good.  It is rare that Dr. Cervantes can find anything really wrong with them.  Yay!

So, let's get down to it.  We shall start with my CBC and auto differential.  

According to Dr. Cervantes I am showing a good immune response once again.I fell like it.  The annual cold that I usually get was very short and almost non-existent.  A tickle in the throat and slight cough, and then it was gone.  Yay!

On to the CMP or comprehensive metabolic panel.

According to this, all of my organs including liver and kidneys are doing very well.  My protein level and glucose are also good.  Sodium and potassium are also at a good range for this diet and lifestyle.  

This brings us to our next test the UA or urinalysis.
Everything here looks great especially my pH which shows to be very alkaline.

Now for my lipid panel...
Once again everything here is good except for the HDL is a bit low, but once again that is due to the fact that I take very little fat in at all with this diet.

So now we move onto my thyroid with the T4 Free and the TSH.

Once again everything is range.  (My weight was holding steady here this month.)

One thing that Dr. Cervantes was worried about this month was how much rest was I getting.  I admitted not much since starting work full-time.  I am completely wiped out by the end of the day.  He kindly recommended more rest.

So, not much has changed on the recommendations.  Five coffee enemas a day if possible and 13 juices a day like before.  Two castor oil enemas recommended, but if work prevents this (and it does) it is okay to do just one.  He did mention that astragalus would be very good for my immune system, so we shall go on a run to the health food store soon!