Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Working Full-Time

I went back to work full-time on October 1, 2013.  not an easy decision, but one that was necessary to support the family.  It has been more than a month now, and all I can say is that I'm tired.  I thank God every day for my amazing family and their help.  Without them, this would not be possible, and I probably would be running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

Monday through Friday I get up a little before 5:30 am.  I begin with a coffee break, and then I rush to eat my food, make my juices, help the boys with breakfast while daddy takes a shower, and then get ready for work.  Every moment is filled with getting ready for the day.

Work can either be a sort of break from the rushing or it is crazy busy.  There are usually no in betweens when it comes to the busy factor.  This can make it hard to take my two scheduled breaks for my juicing (I have gotten a small juicer for the break room) and other treatment.  Often I miss my morning break, but one nice thing is I can take a longer break in the afternoon.  That is if there is time.

When I get home, I rush to get my next coffee break out of the way.  By the time I'm done, it is dinner time.  I try to hurry through this and the last green drink of the day so that I can spend some quality time with all three boys before bed time.

Once bed time comes around, we are all ready to jump in.  Unfortunately, Mom and Dad have to stay up to get ready for the next day.  We have to get drinks together, meals together for work, and boys lunches ready for school.  If it is a soup day, Nick and I (mostly Nick) make soup, and we also make coffee.  I also have to get my last coffee break in. This gives me a bed time anywhere between 10-10:30 pm.

My family including my parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, in-laws, cousins, and friends have been so great by providing dinners and food for the boys.  This is a huge help to Daddy at night when I'm taking care of myself and he needs to get something on the table quick because the boys are starving.  Not only have they been providing meals, they have also been trading off on making me easy baggies of fruits and vegetables to make juicing easier at home and especially at work.  All I have to do at work is grab the bag, throw it in the juicer, and then clean the mess up.  This streamlines everything and makes things so much easier.

We all look forward to the weekends.  They can't come fast enough, nor do they stay long enough before we have to repeat it all again.  Every moment we have together we cherish and enjoy.  We know we are so lucky to have each other and all the other amazing people in our lives.  I know that it is hard now, but this is only temporary, and things get better with practice, right?

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