Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My June Labs and Phone Consultation


Every month I have monthly labs  done for my Gerson doctor, I send them his way, and then we have a monthly phone consultation to review the results.  My first one was last Friday, and I was quite pleased with them.  

The labs I get done are a CBC with differential, a complete metabolic panel with lipid profile, a TSH, a T4, and a urinalysis.  

So, once I send the labs his way, they will e-mail me back with a day and time to call the clinic.  I say yes or no, and then we go from there.  The time I was given was June 28th at 2 pm PST (3 pm my time). 

Besides the fact that my baby was home sick with me, everything went very well.  I called.  The doctor was with a patient.  I called back a few minutes later, and the fast talking began.  The good doctor is very kind and inquired after my family and health.  He asked if I had any healing reactions at all (I hadn't), and he asked if my incisions were healing well which they actually were.  In the last week they had gone from a puckered, raised appearance to more of a flat appearance.  I was also slowly getting feeling back on the left side.  

Next, he quickly went over the labs with me one by one.  First was the CBC.  Everything looked great to him him with no problems at all.  
He then broke it down with the differential.  Here too things were looking good especially the eosinophils that had been elevated just after surgery.  I had had an allergic reaction to the pain meds, so it is common to have these elevated with an allergy. 
The urinalysis was very good.  It showed that my pH had become more alkaline.  At the clinic the doctor had said he wants my pH to stay in the 6.5-8 range, and it was!  This is great for me because studies show that cancer thrives in an acidic environment, and it cannot survive in one that is alkaline. 
  My comprehensive metabolic panel was also doing very well.  My kidneys and liver were doing great and functioning well.  I was getting plenty of protein despite living on a vegan diet for the last 6 weeks or so.  My glucose was also good with the low sugar and gluten diet I was on.  There were no problems mentioned. 
Next we went over my TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone test.  This test does what it sounds like.  Measures the TSH in my blood.  TSH is made by the pituitary gland and its job is to tell the thyroid gland to release other hormones (like the T4 in the next test).  My TSH was very low at this time, but that is because I was taking thyroid grain to boost my metabolism. The boost in metabolism makes it possible for my body to process and get rid of all of the cancer cells at an increased rate.  
The T4 free test is the last test, and even though my TSH is abnormal, my T4 is within normal range.  Yay!
Now, there were a few changes made to my schedule because of my lab results.  
A summary of changes are as follows:
  1. Take only 1/2 tablespoon of flax seed oil at lunch and dinner
  2. Decrease potassium from 4 teaspoons to 3 teaspoons
  3. Decrease Lugol solution to 1 drop twice daily (beacause of TSH)
  4. No more thyroid grain (again due to TSH results)
  5. Castor oil only twice a week now (Yay me!)
  6. Yogurt (organic plain non-fat NOT Greek) at breakfast and dinner
I'm happy with this.  The best part is castor oil only two days a week now!  Whoo Hoo!  I love his message at the bottom of the schedule. "*Keep up the good work Gerson person*"

And of course at the end of the phone call he told me to tell my mom hello.  I think he must remember us.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. First of all Windy, thanks for sharing your journey with us. I think about you often and pray that you are healed. I'm so happy to hear that your results were so good!
