Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My July Labs and Phone Consult


It is time to update my new blood results.  Every month I have a CBC with auto differential, a comprehensive metabolic, a TSH, a T4 Free, and and a urinalysis done.  I found a prescription pad from good Dr. Cervantes a few days before the blood draw, and I found that he also wanted a full lipid panel and vitamin D tested as well, so that's what we did.  

On my CBC, everything was within normal limits.  Dr. Cervantes had nothing to worry about from this simple test.  

On the auto differential, he specifically pointed out the neutrophils and the lymphocytes and said they were great and indicated that I was having a great immune system response.  This month also my eosinophils were at a much better limit hopefully meaning that my allergies from meds or even seasonal allergies weren't bothering my system at all.  Yay!

My metabolic panel was showing great liver and kidney function.  My potassium was a touch high he said, but within normal limits, so he recommend that I decrease my potassium compound.  My sugars or glucose were also good.  My calcium and protein showed that they were also within normal limits.  This can sometimes be a worry for a person that has so many food restrictions, but this is something I don't have to worry about.

My lipids or blood cholesterol looked very good.  My HDL (my good cholesterol) was a bit low, but considering that my cholesterol in general was quite low (I'm eating no animal fat and just a bit of flax seed oil every day), I think I will overlook this one.
My TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) came back in the normal range this time around.  It rose from less than 0.02 to 2.27 this time.  Exactly right.  I was taken off of the thyroid grain last tie due to this, and luckily my metabolism is still doing well.  
Once again my T4 Free is within normal range.
My vitamin D test shows that I'm running a bit low here.  Not surprising seeing that I have been told to stay out of the sun, and if I go into the sun, I'm to wear long sleeves and a hat at all times.  To counter my slightly low vitamin D, Dr. Cervantes has recommended I take 5000 IU (international units) of vitamin D3 a day.  Easy fix!
Lastly we have my urinalysis here.  I forgot to have it ordered, so I did a quick one at my doctors office, but can be confusing if you don't know how to read it, so I will translate.
Leukocytes: negative, Nitrites: negative, Urobilinogen: 0.2, Protein: negative, pH: 7.5, Occult blood: positive, Specific Gravity: 1.005, Ketones: negative, Bilirubin: negative, Glucose: negative, Color: yellow, Clarity: Clear.  
All within normal limits except the blood part, but that can be accounted for since I was on my period at the time of the test.  
So, here's my new hourly schedule.  Not much different than the last one.  
Just to give a quick run down of the differences, I made a very short list.
  1. Lower Potassium compound from 3 tsp./ drink to 1 tsp./drink.
  2. Supplement with 5000 IU of vitamin D3 per day
  3. Change enema formula to 8 oz. coffee in 24 oz. of distilled water 
Pretty much everything looks and sounds good in my book.  Looking forward to another good month in August!

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