Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Return to Work

I returned to work on Thursday, August 1.  Dr. Cervantes wasn't too excited about me returning so soon or at all for that matter, but he understood that it needed to be for my family.  He agreed that I could try it out, but only for 4 hours at a time.

Work itself isn't the hard part.  The hard part is making sure I get my 13 juices and 5 coffee breaks in during the day.  Not only that, I am still doing the castor oil twice a week.  I figured the best way to make it work is to wake up an hour earlier.  If you do that, I will do a 5am coffee break, an 8:30am coffee break, and an 11:45am coffee break before I have to make it to work at 1pm.

I also had to figure out my green drinks.  I have no problems with the carrot drink because they keep for about 4 hours and keep their nutritional value. The green drink only keeps for about 15 minutes, so there's no way I'm taking those to work.  So, I decided that I could start my meals and breakfast an hour earlier too.  Breakfast at 7am with my orange juice and then an 8am green.  This is quickly followed by my 8:30am carrot/apple juice and the 9am carrot apple juice.  I will then have a 10am carrot juice and an 11am green juice.

At this point I'm getting ready for work, so I have to prepare all my juices for work and still get my last green juice and lunch in.  I work it out so that I eat lunch between 11am and 11:30am.   I quickly get my last coffee break in, and then I make two carrot juices and two carrot/apple juices to take to work.  Lastly I will make another green juice and drink that down really quick.  It keeps me busy and on my toes, but it can be done especially if you prep all the veggies, etc. the night before.

Honestly work seems like a piece of cake after I run the marathon I do at home just to get ready for work. It is strange to be at work though.  Right before my surgery, I took a new job at an out patient imaging center. It is a godsend now.  I don't know if I could keep up at the hospital now.  The only drawback with the new job is I left about one week into it.  I was gone for about 3 months.  Combine that with learning new computers and machines and adding x-ray and DEXA into the mix, and I was a bit overwhelmed for sure. Thankfully x-ray is coming back pretty quickly, and DEXA is coming along.  My co-workers have been pretty patient with me, so that's a big bonus.

When 5pm comes around and it's quitting time, I hit the door running.  I know that when I get home, I have to hurry with my next coffee break, get dinner going, and make the rest of my juices.  Oh, and there is fitting in some family time before the boys head to bed.  It is doable.  Thank goodness for a wonderful husband. Without him, I'm pretty sure this whole thing would not work.

It really isn't too horrible.  I usually have dinner ready for myself the night before, and Nick is okay getting himself and the little ones fed.  It has happened a couple of time where I will have something in the slow cooker, but let's be realistic.  This doesn't happen much.  When I finish my coffee break, I hurry and make my 6pm apple/carrot juice.  Then I scarf my potato, yogurt, and soup.  Rather than wait for 7pm to come around for the last drink of the day, I just hurry and make my green juice as soon as dinner is finished.  This way I can hurry and clean up and spend the rest of the night with the kiddos before bed.

The boys go to bed anywhere between 7pm and 8pm depending on how they are acting.  Usually, it is closer to 8pm.  I am usually suckered into "sleeping" with the oldest to get him to go to bed (at least 3 times a week).  I don't mind this, but then there is usually less time for me to make my Hippocrates soup and prep the veggies for the next day.  By 9pm it is time for my last coffee break, and then I get to go to bed.

To me now it seems overwhelming at times, but I do know it is doable.  It just takes some getting used to and lots of practice, and then I'm set.  Looking forward to that day...

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