Saturday, January 18, 2014

November Labs and Phone Consult


I feel very fortunate that every month I have good labs.  of course they can be on the edge of high or low, but for the most part, I am very lucky.  Of course he had to ask about my weight again first thing this month, and I had to admit that I lost about 3 pounds.  Not a huge deal, but something to watch if it becomes too much.  He also asked how I was feeling, and I had little to report but general tiredness, fatigue, and occasional mood swings.

Now for my labs, so let's just jump in.  Once again my CBC and Auto Differential seem to be in pretty good shape.  

It seems like almost every month Dr. Cervantes will say the same thing.  "Your CBC and Auto Differential are showing a good immune response to your diet." I'm so grateful for that.  I do feel like I have had less colds and coughs this year than in years past.

My CMP or comprehensive metabolic panel also seemed good.
Everything seemed right on.  My kidneys and liver always doing well.  Sodium and potassium seem stable. Calcium and protein are also doing well.

My thyroid levels next...

When conferencing with Dr. Cervantes on this, he didn't seemed worried a bit.  He always says they are still in an okay range.

My UA or urinalysis is next.  This is the lab that will show my pH, so this is a big one for them as they always want me to be alkaline or well above a pH of 6.
Once again no problems in that arena.  With a diet high in plant foods mostly raw, my pH stays very alkaline.

My cholesterol is next...
The only thing that seemed to be off with this one is the HDL or good cholesterol again. Dr. Cervantes mentioned this is because I take in less fat, and I am also doing coffee enemas which will change things as well.

My vitamin D comes next.
It is up from 29 to 43 a few months back which is much better.  Dr. Cervantes wasn't too worried about it still being a bit low though.

And for my new schedule...

Her are the changes for this month:
  1. Try to get two castor oil treatments in during the week if possible.  (No promises)
  2. Only four coffee enemas and 1-2 less juices a day on the days I have to work.  
  3. Also, he did recommend that I take astragalus  to boost the immune system even more if wanted.  

Overall a good month.  No complaints, and always blessed.  

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