Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My New Doctor


By the end of October I knew that I was in need of some more support from my healthcare professionals in general.  I really was only being followed by my surgeon, and as straightforward and up front as he was (these are some things I really appreciate in a doctor), he was less than supportive of my treatment choices.  In fact, it seemed like every time I saw him I would leave feeling depressed and defeated.  He just seemed so negative even when things were pointing in a positive direction. 

With the help of my mom, I was able to get into one of her doctors as a patient.  He was a general practice doctor, but had lots of experience with practicing in a whole mind, body, spirit mindset.  He was also willing to be a support and an advocate for me.  Still to this day I don't know whether he thinks my choices are right or wrong, but he is able to support my decisions no matter what.  We shall call him Dr. R.

I first saw and consulted with him the first part of November.  It was an amazing visit, and coming from what I was used to feeling from a doctor, his visit was so easy and a huge breath of fresh air.  He understood that I was doing a certain therapy which included diet and other treatments, and he didn't even question it.  He did ask that I look into some other supplemental treatments though.  He gave me some information and asked me to research it and get back to him.

The first thing he recommended was that I look into a Dr. Hamer originally from Germany and his German New Medicine.  Basically this man Ryke Geerd Hamer, MD a head internist in an oncology unit at the University of Muncih made a hypothesis that most cancer (and most disease for that matter) starts from some sort of unexpected shock or trauma.  This hypothesis came after Dr. Hamer's son was tragically killed, and then he soon after developed testicular cancer.

He found that most of the patients he saw also had unexpected events that led up to their diagnosis.  From his studies he was able to correlate the disease with a certain part of the brain and image them it with the help of CT.  He was able to also make a list of common relationships between conflict emotions and target emotions and almost make a map of the body.  Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to German New Medicine and Dr. Hamer.  We will keep it simple here, but there are many sites online you can look to for information if interested.

So my sweet doctor basically wanted me to see that this is most likely not something caused by just genetics or just environment or just stress but a conglomerate of many different things.  Since it most likely is caused by many things, we should treat not just physically, and possibly go deeper to an emotional and spiritual level and take care of that too.

Next Dr. R recommended that I go to a friend of his to help me work out some of my emotional issues.  I was willing to do my work to stay healthy, so I was agreeable.  I would also see Dr. R monthly for his own sessions, and I would see one of his partners at his practice in between his visits to make sure I was really being diligent on working out my issues.  

I was thrilled to have such a caring supportive team member in my corner.  I felt like I could really talk to him and I didn't have to worry about holding back at all.  I had no fear of showing my emotions in front of him or feeling weak.  I would never do that with any of my other doctors.  I felt like I always had to be strong.  Feelings really weren't allowed while at other doctor appointments only logic and reason were.  It felt like they really just didn't know what to do when someone showed they had feelings because in an way they had lost their humanness.

I felt great, and I felt like I was really moving in the right direction.  Yay!

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