Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Home, Home on the Farm...

I'm back from my long hiatus!  We have had quite a busy month or so.  We finally were able to make it to my parents' farm.  We moved to a small home on their property the last weekend in April.  Of course the couple of weeks leading up to it were packed full and at times stressful, but we are happy to be here now. Now we are slowly unpacking and getting acquainted with our new home.

The view from our front yard 
The boys (little and big) and I love it here.  Every now and again I groan that we no longer live just down the street from the grocery store and the other conveniences of city life, but so far this is perfect.  I wake up to birds chirping each morning, and I fall asleep to the chirping of crickets or cicadas (or whatever the insect is that makes that sound...). We have found lots of giant stink bugs, lady bugs, and when pulling weeds here today the boys and I found a nice juicy green caterpillar.

The newest piglets
The boys are very good about helping out around the farm.  Mostly we take our food scraps to the pigs and chickens and make sure that their water is full.  It has been warm a day of two in the past few weeks, and when it is, they also like to help the pigs make mud.  Soon they hope to help out with the warms.  When I say worms I mean earth warms.  My family has started a business where we collect worm castings or worm poop, and we sell it as fertilizer.  It is amazing, and the best part it is non-toxic.  When we "help" out in the garden, we always include a bit for each plant we help get in the garden or flower pot, etc.  

We are also delighted to finally have our sweet puppy Pepper with us now.  We all absolutely adore her. She isn't the typical puppy that I'm used to.  She of course likes to play and have fun, but she is also very affectionate and just wants to sit and cuddle with you.  If you let her, she would be on our lap all day long. She is a great addition to our home, and I think she may be rubbing off on my boys.

Pre-hair cut Pepper 
My juicing and other treatments continue.  They may be a bit late or the schedule changed a bit, but they happen every day with or with out the help of the little boys running around.  Thankfully they seem to be understanding.  (The new dog and the great outdoors seem to help a lot too.)

I am very happy being here.  I feel extremely thankful to have this opportunity and the ability to raise my boys here and teach them at an early age about nature.  I just really feel it is important it is to take care of the planet and ourselves.  Getting back to the basics and back to nature is what it is all about!

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